Thats right new contentevery

The first was pure hustle, posting content every day of the 829 days since fastPaleo launched. That’s right, new content—Every! Single! Day! We posted on the website, and on our Facebook wall, which has more than 47,000 fans and is growing.

The second, which was as important as posting content every day and sharing on social media, was the simple fact that our content was good. The concept of fastPaleo was a “paleo recipe sharing site,” a way that anyone could share their paleo recipes fast and easy, and we had an overwhelming response from a lot of very talented food bloggers. The model worked, and still works, because we are able to give food bloggers much-needed traffic in exchange for a simple sampling of their content. This allowed us to fill the site with wonderful content through a model that worked to grow the entire paleo food niche. Because the paleo lifestyle helps people truly become healthy. And we also helped to create real good in the world by taking our business seriously.

If you don’t think your content is good, you can’t reasonably expect anyone else to!

Acquiring, or creating, good content is the first area in which you must be your toughest critic, or even enemy, to have success. Think about the elements that make up your site. Even before that, think about the elements that make up the internet. You are essentially limited to words and images. This, in turn, leads you focus on the effective use of some combination of writing, photography, graphic design, and video. How quickly, efficiently and artistically you realize this is a step toward success. But notice, I said “realize” and not necessarily “do.” While some people can indeed do everything, and many do, you don’t have to be a master of all trades to have a successful food blog.

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