select deliver to mynote the list of compatible items

You’ll see a list of all the documents you have in cloud storage. Notice that there is a link on the bottom to page through the files, so be sure to check this if you can’t find your document. Alternately, click on the “Date” field to sort the documents by date.

Click on the “Actions” button shown above. The following screen will appear:

You can download the document and transfer it via USB if you happen to be on another desktop, but we’ll transfer it to a Kindle. Select “Deliver to my…”

Note the list of compatible items. Select your Kindle from the list and the document will be made available in your Kindle Fire HD.

This is the easiest way to use the Amazon Cloud Drive to store and transfer documents to your device. It has tremendous potential for productivity, as you can upload documents you need for work and transfer them to your Kindle Fire HD, allowing you to use the device to present information or to read documents when you want to get away from the office for a while.

Using Other Cloud Services

If you opt to use other cloud services, the procedure isn’t that much different, excepting that you cannot use the Manage My Kindle page to send content to your Kindle Fire HD automatically. You’ll have to hook up to the cloud storage service and manually download files.

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